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Nithiasree, B. L.
- Aspect Ranking:Identifying Important Product Aspects by Exploring Online Consumer Reviews
1 Department of Computer Science, Thiagarajar College, Madurai-09, IN
Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 9, No 5 (2017), Pagination: 93-96Abstract
This paper have proposed a product aspect ranking framework to identify the important aspects of products from consumer reviews. This paper contains three main components, product aspect identification, sentiment classification, and portability aspect ranking. First, it derived benefit from the Pros and Cons from the consumer reviews to improve aspect identification and sentiment classification on free-text reviews. Secondly, it developed a probabilistic aspect ranking algorithm to infer the importance of various aspects of a product from consumer reviews. The experimental contains lot of consumer reviews of phone popular products in eight domains. The important products aspects are identified based on the observations of the consumer reviews that the important aspects are normally commented on by a large number of consumers. In particular, given the consumer reviews of a product, first identify product aspects by a Stanford parser and determine consumer opinions on these aspects via a sentiment classifier.
Consumer Reviews, Online Purchasing, Probability Aspect Ranking Algorithm, Sentimental Classification, Support Vector Machine.References
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