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Bothra, Arihant
- A Review on Smart Parking System using Cloud and IoT
Automation and Autonomous Systems, Vol 9, No 2 (2017), Pagination: 43-46Abstract
The advancements and increment in the number of gadgets enhances the comfort of human on a daily basis. Cloud and IoT is a state of art technology that has various applications in day to day life such as better portability and accessibility of devices and appliances.
The paper works on a technology which undermines the current trend of searching the parking space. This paper proposes a system, where the end user will be able to book a desired parking slot from a pool of available spaces. User will be able to book the slots from any places through a mobile app. There will be variable rates as per the dependence of the users. The system provides the administrator an access to all the data and system while moving using cloud instead of remotely accessing. Use of Cloud & IoT makes it easier to monitor. This project provides a simulation and a prototype for the above mentioned system.
Dynamic Messaging System, RFID, WSN, E-Parking Platform.- Smart Parking System Using Cloud & IoT
1 Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Computer Engineering Department, IN
2 Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, IN
Automation and Autonomous Systems, Vol 9, No 5 (2017), Pagination: 90-94Abstract
An introduction to the system which utilizes the trending advancements of the technologies to make the traditional and previously digitized parking systems even smarter. It increases the efficiency of the current cloud-based smart parking system and develops a network architecture based on the Internet-of-Things technology The system lets the user book the parking space for their vehicles in advance. This thereby not only reduces the efforts in search of parking, but also deduces the amount of pollutants emission from these vehicles. This system is designed considering the overhead caused to both the owner of the parking zones and vehicles in peak hours to search for a space to park.
Smart Parking System (SPS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Arduino UNO, Centralized Server (CS), Local Server (LS).References
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