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1 Department of Information Technology, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, IN
Automation and Autonomous Systems, Vol 3, No 9 (2011), Pagination: 436-443
Automobile industry has grown extravagantly during the recent few years. At this juncture, it is to be noted that as the automobile industry grows rapidly, the number of accidents also increases proportionally, the damages and life losses have increased tremendously. Among the wide spectrum of automobiles the usage of cars has shown a steep rise according to the recent research. When talking about the manufacturing an automobile more emphasis is to be laid on designing a mechanism for ensuring the almost safety for the passengers inside the car as well as the physical skeleton and internal parts of the car. By ensuring proper security and lifeguard mechanism, human life could be saved and could also considerably reduce the high cost incurred in repairing the damaged inner parts which may even need a permanent replacement. Designing proper safety mechanism would be a precautionary measure to reduce the intensity of damages to the internal parts of the car as well as its passengers. This paper proposes a new life saving mechanism using „multiple pressure absorbers and crash absorbers‟ which protect the vehicle during crash towards the front edges by trap the kinetic energy from the deformed leafsprings and will employ the same in automatically pausing the vehicle well before major impact.
Leafspring, Bending Stress, Deflection, Security System, Coolant System, Crash Absorbers, Kinetic Energy, Evolutionary Computing Strategies, Primary leaf Spring, Secondary Leaf Spring, Eye Leaf, Multiple Pressure Absorbers(MPA).