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Kumar, Amit

  • Strategic Environmental Assessment

  • Monitoring of Glacier Changes and Response Time in Chorabari Glacier, Central Himalaya, Garhwal, India

  • Economic Analysis of Different Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Technologies in Rice-Wheat Cropping System of the Indo-Gangetic Plains

  • Caragana versicolor Benth. (Fabaceae), a Keystone Species of High Conservation Concern in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region

  • Designing and Developing a Bioresource Information Centre for Floral Resources of Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya

  • Visible Emission Line Coronagraph on Aditya-L1

  • Physico-Chemical and Tribological of Argemone Biodesel Sunthesized Using Microwave Techinquee

  • Biogeographic Delineation of the Indian Trans-Himalaya:Need for Revision

  • Strategic Environmental Assessment of Hydropower Projects

  • Commercialization–A Suggested Approach for Conserving a Threatened Fern, Pteris tricolor Linden

  • Soil Organic Carbon Pools under Terminalia chebula Retz. based Agroforestry Systemin Himalayan Foothills, Indiax

  • Brainstorming on the Future of the Highly Threatened Medicinal Plants of the Western Himalaya, India

  • Biomass Accumulation and Carbon Stock in Different Agroforestry Systems Prevalent in the Himalayan Foothills, India

  • Relationship of Physiological Plant Functional Traits With Soil Carbon Stock in The Temperate Forest of Garhwal Himalaya

  • Rare observation of sea anemone Calliactis polypus on carapace of spider crab, Doclea muricata at the Covelong fish landing centre, Chennai, India

  • Causes and Consequences of Rishiganga Flash Flood, Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Central Himalaya, India

  • Criteria for the identification of suspect SARS-CoV-2 reinfection cases

  • Current Science Reports

  • Current Science Reports

  • Current Science Reports

  • Characterization of Synthesized Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Effect on Growth, Productivity and Zinc Use Efficiency of Wheat And Field Pea in the Indian Himalayan Foothills

  • Current Science Reports

  • Current Science Reports

  • Current Science Reports

  • Current Science Reports

  • Current Science Reports

  • Current Science Reports

  • Current Science Reports