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We studied the effect ofaqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica, Calotropis procera, Cleistanthus collinus, Dalbergia sissoo, Datura inoxia and Lantana camara on induction of peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) in cucumber and chilli seedlings. The extract of C. collinus, exhibited a profound effect by inducing maximum activity of POD and CAT in both the crop species. Therefore, we fractionated the extract of C. collinus over silica gel column using 90%, 45% and 0% aqueous methanol. The fraction eluted by 90% methanol (fraction 1) showed bioactivity by inducing POD and CAT activity. Also, the extract of C. collinus and fraction 1 modulated the isozyme profile of both the enzymes. In addition, they also increased H2O2 content in the seedlings, suggesting the triggering of defence mechanism in the seedlings. The findings of the present study suggest the possibility of developing an organic crop protection agent using C. collinus.


Bioactives, Crop Protection, Induced Resistance, Isozymes, Plant Extract.
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