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Several studies were carried out for understanding the temporal variability of the tropopause characteristics using radiosonde measurements. This paper investigates the variability of tropopause characteristics using INSAT-3D temperature profiles. The seasonal mean of cold point tropopause temperature (CPT) and corresponding pressure (CPH), convective tropopause temperature (COT) and corresponding pressure (COH) obtained from the hourly temperature profiles of the INSAT-3D represents the actual seasonal average of the tropopause parameters devoid of short-term perturbations like tides and high frequency gravity waves. Below 20°N, the CPT is colder and higher but this relation disappears in subtropics. The effect of tides and high frequency gravity waves on the tropopause temperatures are briefly outlined. The diurnal variability in CPT over Gadanki obtained from INSAT-3D and radiosonde are compared. It is shown that INSAT-3D can be effectively utilized to delineate the tropical tropopause characteristics.


Radiosonde Measurement, Sub-Daily Variations, Tropopause Temperature, Temporal and Spatial Resolution.
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