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Shaikh, Suleman
- A Overview on Nanosponges
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1 Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, SRTMU, Nanded. (431606)., IN
2 Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, SRTMU, Nanded. (431606).
1 Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, SRTMU, Nanded. (431606)., IN
2 Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, SRTMU, Nanded. (431606).
Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol 12, No 03 (2022), Pagination: 210-212Abstract
The solid porous particles have a nanocavity structure in which drugs are encapsulated known as nanosponges. There are five types of nanosponges. Nanosponges size varies from 1um and less than 1 um. Nanosponges are stable at high temperatures. It has high drug loading capacity. Nanosponges formulation overcomes stability, delayed-release activity, and solubility-related problems. Nanosponges can deliver the drug through oral, parenteral, and topical routes. The current review focuses on nanosponges in drug delivery systems including their synthesis, characterization, and diverse applications.Keywords
Nanosponges, Nanocavity, Polymers, Crosslinkers, solvent evaporation.References
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- A Overview on Nanoemulsion
Abstract Views :320 |
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Doiphode Ankush R
Patwekar S. L
Guhade Namdev
Vaishnavi Gole
Ashwini Rode
Suleman Shaikh
1 Department of Pharmaceutics. School of Pharmacy, SRTMU, Nanded. (431606), IN
1 Department of Pharmaceutics. School of Pharmacy, SRTMU, Nanded. (431606), IN
Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol 12, No 03 (2022), Pagination: 239-244Abstract
Nanoemulsions are colloidal emulsions made up of two immiscible liquids, one of which is scattered and the other continuous. Nanoemulsions are two types W/O and O/W. Nanoemulsion are size varies from 20 to 200nm. Nanoemulsions are thermodynamically stable. Emulsifiers are stabilised nanoemulsion. There are two types of emulsifiers: one is hydrophilic and the other is lipophilic. Nanoemulsion is widely used in food industry, beverages, agriculture, bio-pharmaceutical, dairy products. Nanoemulsion widely prepared by using high energy or brute force comprising ultra sonication and ultra high pressure homogenizer and low energy or persuasion method compressing both phase inversion composition (PIC) and the phase inversion temperature (PIT). Newly a developed method used as preparation of nanoemulsion bubble bursting, micro- fluidization and evaporative ripening. The aim of review a article focusing on to preparation method characterization application of nanoemulsion.Keywords
Nanoemulsion, High pressure homogenizer, Surfactant, Co-surfactant, Oil.References
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