Pharmacognostic Studies of Aerial Part of Methanolic Extract of Plumbago indica L
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The aerial part of Plumbago indica L. (family: Plumbaginaceae) was studied to fix the parameters for pharmacognostical standards. The results of organoleptic study offer a scientific basis for the use of Plumbago indica L. which possess characters like green colour, characteristic odour, mucilaginous and slightly bitter taste. The fluorescence analysis under visible UV light and under UV light by treatment with different chemical reagents showed different colour changes. These created an interest to test the possible phytochemical activity of the plant. In the screening process of Plumbago indica L. indicate the presence of Reducing sugars , Alkaloids, Steroids, Flavonoids and Gums. The Pharmacognostic study was performed by using standard procedure. Further, detailed studies are needed to know whether in-vivo administration of the extracts is beneficial for patients.
Organoleptic, Fluorescence, Pharmacognostic Study.
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