Daily Consumption of Antioxidants:-Prevention of Disease is better than Cure
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Our life is threatened and unstable due to oxidative stress produced by a large population, pollution, economy, unhygenic sorrounding, insufficient intake of functional food, dietary supplements and nutraceuticals. Majority of population in india is suffered by unaffordable cost, poor economy and regular tension. Smoking,drugs,illness,even exercise can increase exposure to free radicals thus it contributes to oxidative stress,individual assessment of succeptibility becomes important.High altitude exposure results in decrease oxygen pressure and increased formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Oxidative stress leads to cause of several disease as diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, myocardial infaraction, hypertension etc. Antioxidants are abundant in vegetables and fruits and are also found in grain cereals, teas, legumes, and nuts. Antioxidants are our first line defense against free radical damage and critical for maintaining optimum health and well being. This review describes sources of free radical generation, causes of different disease,damage to DNA by free radicals,role of antioxidant in prevention of disease, antioxidants in normal physiological function, uses of antioxidants in treating cancer,diabetes, hypertension, rheumatoidarthritis,alzheimer,parkinson disease and ageing.
Antioxidants, Freeradicals, Cancer, Diabetes, Ageing
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