Vol 63, No 9 (1937)

Table of Contents

Vol 63, No 9 (1937)

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The Propagation of Selected Types of Forest Trees
Gerald Trevor
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 575-577
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Regeneration of Frost-liable Forests in the Central Provinces
K. P. Sagreiya
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 578-579
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Protection of Prosopis Juliflora Pods from Attack by Caryoborus Gonagra
C. L. Kapur
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 580-581
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Results of Silvicultural Treatment of Bamboos in the Hoshiarpur Division
I. D. Mahendru
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 582-582
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Note on Sandal Growth in Coorg
J. E. M. Mitchell
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 583-587
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Results of Coppicing, Pollarding and Pruning Experiments to Stimulate Strychnos Nux-vomica Fruit Production
J. W. Nicholson
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 588-597
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Note on the Comparative Strengths of Sapwood and Heartwood
H. Trotter
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 598-601
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Madan Pal
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 602-602
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Large Sal Tree
N. N. Sen
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 603-603
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A Study of the Soil Profiles of the Punjab Plains with Reference to their Natural Flora
R. C. Hoon, M. L. Metha
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 616-616
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A Preliminary Survey of the Forest Types of India and Burma
H. G. Champion
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 613-615
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 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 631-634
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 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 635-643
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Polypores as Enemies of Trees, Timbers, Buildings and Automobiles
S. R. Bose
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 644-650
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Bamboo Cultivation in the U. S. S. R.
 Vol 63, No 9 (1937), Pagination: 650-652
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