Vol 42, No 6 (1916)

Table of Contents

Vol 42, No 6 (1916)

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Increment Feelings with Some Possible Applications to the Chir Pine
B. R. Wood
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 283-286
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Some Notes Regarding the Habits of Pterocarpus marsupium (Bijasal, Bija) in Certain Localities
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 287-291
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The Board of Forestry Triennial Meeting
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 292-301
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Prize-day at the Forest College, Dehra Dun (Rangers Class)
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 302-306
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Note on Forest Surveying with Verner's Sketching Board
W. H. Craddock
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 307-312
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A Method of Marking Trees in Enumerations
F. Canning
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 313-313
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Syatem of Sale of Standing Trees in Kanara Forests, Bombay Presidency
E. M. Hodgson
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 314-314
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Forest Fire "Donts"
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 321-322
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Salvation Army Silk Camp in Changa Manga Mulberry Forest, Near Lahore
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 323-324
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The Dyeing Values of Some Indigenous Dye-stuffs
J. P. Srivastava
 Vol 42, No 6 (1916), Pagination: 325-334
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