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Kalaivani, K.

  • Solanum nigrum Leaves Improve the Oxidative Status of Liver Tissue In vitro

  • Food Security and Dietary Intake in Pregnant Women from Urban Low Income Group

  • Service Categorization and Admission Control in Enterprise Web Services Using Capacity Distribution Algorithm

  • Dynamic Routing and Agent Technology Based Security Enhanced Data Delivery with Public Key Cryptography

  • Morbidity due to Infections in Preschool Children from Urban Low Income Households

  • Can Iron and Folic Acid-IFA and Ca & Vitamin D Supplementation in Pregnancy be Fitted into Habitual Pattern of Three Meals A Day?

  • Use of Mother Child Protection Card for Improving Infant Feeding Practices

  • Dual Nutrition Burden in Urban Women from Low Middle Income Families

  • Performance Evaluation of Anaerobic Baffled Biodigester for Treatment of Black Water

  • Growth Monitoring in Under-Three Children Using the Mother Child Protection Card

  • Maternal Nutrition and Birth Weight in Dual Nutrition Burden Era

  • Food Consumption and Nutritional Status of Urban Low Middle-Income Families