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Keerthika, A.

  • Design and Development of Multifunctional Agroforestry for Family Farming

  • National Agroforestry Policy in India:A Low Hanging Fruit

  • Popularization of Manilkara hexandra (Khirni) - an Endangered Underutilized Fruit Tree for Conservation and Utilization

  • Quantification and Economic Valuation of Carbon Sequestration from Smallholder Multifunctional Agroforestry: A Study from The Foothills of The Nilgiris, India

  • Understanding Cultural Ecosystem Services of Multifunctional Agroforestry: A Study from the Foothills of The Nilgiris, Western Ghats, India

  • A Note on Albinism in Madhuca latifolia J.F. Gmel

  • Trees for Life:Creating Sustainable Livelihood in Bundelkhand Region of Central India

  • Oxygen production potential of trees in India

  • Wood Specific Gravity of Trees in Hot Semi-Arid Zone of India:Diversity among Species and Relationship between Stem and Branches

  • Grewia tenax (Frosk.) Fiori – popularization, conservation and utilization of lesser known multipurpose shrub

  • Vachellia nilotica Subsp. cupressiformis – Status and Conservation Approach of an Endemic Agroforestry Tree in Rajasthan

  • Carbon Sequestration Potential of Hardwickia Binata Roxb. Based Agroforestry in Hot Semi-Arid Environment of India: An Assessment of Tree Density Impact

  • Mixed Dentition Analysis Procedure:A Review

  • Commonly Used Oral Sedatives in Treating Pediatric Patients

  • Poplar (Populus deltoides) in Jammu and Kashmir, India: Facts and Fiction

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