Information For Authors

The authors are kindly requested to follow the fast track publication guidelines in order to assist our editors for processing their articles as soon as possible.
  1. Covering letter is to be sent by the corresponding author to the editorial team through online submission process or email along with the article.
  2. Cover page should accompany the original article.

iSee Common guidelines for preparing manuscripts

Authors can submit Research articles, Reviews, Case studies, Popular Articles by following the guidelines given below:

  • The article must be prepared in word file.
  • Page Size - 8.5" x 11"
  • Margin position
    • Top                        : 0.5”
    • Bottom                  : 0.3”
    • Left                        : 0.7”
    • Right                      : 0.5”
    • Gutter                    : 0
    • Gutter position     : Left
  • Article Title
    • Font type   : TIMES NEW ROMAN
    • Font size    : 12
    • Indent        : Middle & At the top of the article
    • Title must be self-explanatory and clear
  • All the text (including abstract, key words, body of the article, references) in the article must be in
    • Font type               : TIMES NEW ROMAN
    • Font size                : 10 points
  • Abstract must not exceed 300 words.
  • Title and Subtitles must be bold and numbered.
  • 4-5 Keywords must be given.
  • Scientific names should be given according to the binomial nomenclature (Ex: Amaranthus retroflexus).
  • Short forms must be expanded, when mentioned initially.
  • Units (such as centimeter, etc) must be given as per International System of Units (SI units).
  • Symbols should be used for mentioning alpha, beta, mu, etc (Ex: α, β, µ, etc).
  • Literature review need not be given under a separate title, rather can be written as an overview within the article and the references should be included in the references column.
  • All the references should be mentioned under the reference column. The citations within the articles should be marked using appropriate reference citation numbers.
  • References should be given in the following formats:

To cite an article

1. Kimio Tanaka, Natarajan Gajendran, Hideki Asaoku, Taichi Kyo and Nanao Kamada (2012) Higher involvement of subtelomere regions for chromosome rearrangements in leukemia and lymphoma and in irradiated leukemic cell line.Indian Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp: 1801-1811.

To cite a Book/ Report

2. C.H. Cunningham (1973) A laboratory guide in virology. 6th edn. Burgess Publication Company, Minnesota.

To cite a Chapter in a Book

3. N.Gajendiran and A.Mahadevan (1990) Microbiology of Indian Desert. In: Ecology and vegetation of Indian Desert. D.N.Sen (ed.), Agro Botanical Publ., India, pp.83-105.

To cite a publication of a proceedings

4. N.Gajendiran, B.S.Rao, K.B.Anjaria, V.K.P.Unny and S.Thyagarajan (1993) Radiotoxicity of sulfur-35. Proceedings of 10th NSRP, India, pp. 257-258.

To cite a webpage

5. Source: World health organization (2009) High-level Consultation on the Financial and Economic Crisis and Global Health Electronic references,

16. Tables and Figures

    • Should be placed at the end of article in separate pages
    • Figure /  Table should be assigned with title and legend
    • Positions of the table / figure must be marked wherever appropriate, as Figure 1 or Table 1, within the article.

Guidelines for Different categories of articles
Authors are requested to follow the guidelines given below

  1. A research article should be written in the below prescribed format:
    1. Cover page
    2. Title
    3. Abstract
      1. Background / objectives
      2. Materials and methods / Statistical analysis
      3. Results and discussion
      4. Conclusion / Applications
    4. Keywords
    5. Introduction
    6. Materials and methods (Including permissions acquired in case of animal / human studies)
    7. Results and Discussion
    8. Conclusion
    9. Acknowledgements (including funding received, if any)
    10. References
    11. Tables and figures (if any)
  1. Review article, case study or a popular article should be written in the below prescribed format:
    1. Cover page
    2. Title
    3. Abstract
    4. Keywords
    5. Introduction
    6. Concept headings (include statistical methodology, if any)
    7. Discussion
    8. Conclusion
    9. Acknowledgements (If any)
    10. References
    11. Tables and Figures (If any)
  • For clarifications download
  1. Model Article
  2. Model Cover page
  3. Model Cover letter

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