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Swing in Votes Polled by the BJP in Indian Parliamentary Elections (1984-1996)

1 Department of Geography, MKJK Girls College, Rohtak-124001, India

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The geographical spread of the Bharatiya Janata Party has been examined by using the swing in votes polled by the party in Indian parliamentary elections (1984-1996). The constituency-wise analysis of the swing for the BJP reveals that the main area of Strength of the party was from the North India in general and Hindi Speaking Heartland in particular. The BJP performed significantly well in the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka. In recent times, the party also has shown its presence in North-Eastern States and in Orissa. Uttar Pradesh has emerged as the key state for the party in these parliamentary elections.
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  • Singh, V.B., (2004) “Rise of the BJP and Decline of the Congress: An Appraisal”, in Vora, Rajender and Palshikhar, Suhas, (eds), Indian Democracy Meaning and Practices, Sage Publications, New Delhi, p. 304.
  • Seshia, Shaila, (1998) “Divide and Rule in Indian Party Politics: The Rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party”, Asian Survey, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 11, p. 1045.
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  • Swing in Votes Polled by the BJP in Indian Parliamentary Elections (1984-1996)

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Kiran Bala
Department of Geography, MKJK Girls College, Rohtak-124001, India


The geographical spread of the Bharatiya Janata Party has been examined by using the swing in votes polled by the party in Indian parliamentary elections (1984-1996). The constituency-wise analysis of the swing for the BJP reveals that the main area of Strength of the party was from the North India in general and Hindi Speaking Heartland in particular. The BJP performed significantly well in the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka. In recent times, the party also has shown its presence in North-Eastern States and in Orissa. Uttar Pradesh has emerged as the key state for the party in these parliamentary elections.
