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This research proposes a new technique to assess an open crack or any kind of damage in a structural element. In this research work, a piezo sensor is used to assess the effect of crack in a statically loaded cantilever beam with an open crack. The study aims to lead a way through which a crack detection technique be developed to locate the crack in a structural part before severe damage. It is clearly observed that the mechanical properties rigorously get affected due to presence of a crack. Large cracks or severe damage can be detected by following modal parameters but it is dif!cult for small cracks. One more important parameter can be followed is the discontinuity in slope to detect the crack which takes place due to the crack. This research aims to lead a way to follow the discontinuity by using a piezo sensor. Since the output voltage of a piezo sensor depends on the difference in slope at the two end of it can directly give a high response to the discontinuity in slope curve. To pursue the study a !nite element integrated model is prepared in ABAQUS platform. A solid 3D model as well as a shell model is created and slope discontinuity is followed under static load as well as voltage output for different crack locations are obtained.


Piezoelectric sensor, Crack, Voltage, Slope.
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