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Study of Green Logistics Practices:A Case of 3PL in the Automobile Industry

1 G.D. Goenka University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India

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Logistics plays a major role in polluting environment but it’s an important part of supply chain management without which no business can run and our daily needs items cannot be fulfilled. With the increase in demand pollution level is also increasing which is threat to our coming generation. Transportation is main key indicator of logistics which creates pollution. This also emits the greenhouse gases which creates global warming. Certain rules have been made by Government of India to check on pollution. Similarly big industries are also taking green initiatives to minimize pollution level. various study claims that the small & medium companies has less focus due to lack of resources and have a fear to increase the cost. The present paper uses existing related research papers and journals with the objective to gain theoretical know-how on the significance of logistics & green logistics initiatives taken by automobile manufacturing companies in India. A case approach is used for empirical evidence in one of the leading automobile industry at Uttrakhand to understand their best practice to mitigate pollution. One of the initiative taken by them for reducing transportation need by introducing 3PL (Third party logistics provider) which has not only reduced their cost, they got other intangible benefits also. This initiative has resulted substantial reduction in pollution level.


Green Logistics, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Environment, Pollution, 3PL (Third Party Logistics).
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  • Study of Green Logistics Practices:A Case of 3PL in the Automobile Industry

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Raj Kumar Malik
G.D. Goenka University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Gyanesh Kumar Sinha
G.D. Goenka University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India


Logistics plays a major role in polluting environment but it’s an important part of supply chain management without which no business can run and our daily needs items cannot be fulfilled. With the increase in demand pollution level is also increasing which is threat to our coming generation. Transportation is main key indicator of logistics which creates pollution. This also emits the greenhouse gases which creates global warming. Certain rules have been made by Government of India to check on pollution. Similarly big industries are also taking green initiatives to minimize pollution level. various study claims that the small & medium companies has less focus due to lack of resources and have a fear to increase the cost. The present paper uses existing related research papers and journals with the objective to gain theoretical know-how on the significance of logistics & green logistics initiatives taken by automobile manufacturing companies in India. A case approach is used for empirical evidence in one of the leading automobile industry at Uttrakhand to understand their best practice to mitigate pollution. One of the initiative taken by them for reducing transportation need by introducing 3PL (Third party logistics provider) which has not only reduced their cost, they got other intangible benefits also. This initiative has resulted substantial reduction in pollution level.


Green Logistics, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Environment, Pollution, 3PL (Third Party Logistics).
