Organizational Cultures: An International Journal

Organizational Cultures: An International Journal

Publisher: Common Ground Publishing
Editor: Editor
Online ISSN: 2327-932X, Print ISSN: 2327-8013
Frequency: Quarterly


The focus of the journals in the Organization Collection is on those intangible drivers which determine not only the livability of organizations for insiders, and their credibility and attraction to outsiders; but also their tangible results in the form of efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. The intangibles of knowledge, culture and change management do not appear on balance sheets, but ultimately do have an enormous impact on ‘bottom lines’. The journals in this collection attempt to address dynamics of knowledge, culture and change as they manifest themselves in organizations. The perspectives range from big picture analyses to detailed case studies which speak to the tangible value of organizational intangibles. They traverse a broad terrain, from theory and analysis to practical strategies.

Table of Contents

Vol 15, No 1 (2014)


Considerate Leadership as a Measure of Effectiveness in Medical and Higher Education: Analysis of Supervisory/Managerial Leadership
Rana Zeine, Cheryl Boglarsky, Edward Daly, Patrick Blessinger, Mary Kurban, Alwyn Gilkes
 Vol 15, No 1 (2014), Pagination: 1-13
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