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Issue Title
Vol 4, No 1 (1912) The Jerabek Points Abstract
W. Gallatly
Vol 53, No 1-4 (1988) The Lp-Algebra of a Partially Ordered Semigroup and Its Multipliers Abstract
Savita Kalra, H. L. Vasudeva
Vol 6, No 3 (1914) The Late Mr. W. Qallatly Abstract
Vol 21, No 1-2 (1957) The Lattice Point Problem for Indefinite Quadratic Forms with Rational Coefficients Abstract
V. Venugopal Rao
Vol 5 (1941) The Linear Line - Congruence Abstract
C. N. Srinivasiengar
Vol 3 (1939) The Lines of Striction on a Quadric Abstract
B. Ramamurthi, C. N. Srinivasiengar
Vol 9, No 6 (1917) The Logarithmic Derivate of the Gamma-Function Abstract
F. Hallberg
Vol 84, No 1-2 (2017) The Log-Behavior of the Partial Sum for the Tribonacci Numbers Abstract
Feng-Zhen Zhao
Vol 80, No 3-4 (2013) The Log-Convexity of Cauchy Numbers Abstract
Feng-Zhen Zhao
Vol 6 (1942) The Lower Order of the Zeros of an Integral Function Abstract
S. M. Shah
Vol 9 (1945) The Maximum Term of an Entire Series (II) Abstract
S. M. Shah
Vol 4 (1940) The Method of Difference Equations Applied to the Summation of Certain Series Involving Legendre and Bessel Functions Abstract
Haridas Bagchi
Vol 80, No 1-2 (2013) The Method of Summation (E, 1)(N, pn) and Trigonometric Approximation of Functions in Generalized Holder Metric Abstract
Shyam Lal, Abhishek Mishra
Vol 28, No 3-4 (1964) The Motion of a Minor Planet with the Commensurability =1/2 Abstract
Ram Kishore Choudhry
Vol 2 (1937) The Multiplicative Arithmetic Functions Connected with a Finite Abelian Group Abstract
T. Venkatarayudu
Vol 39, No 1-4 (1975) The n-Dimensional Generalized Laplace Transform of Certain Distributions Abstract
G. L. N. Rao
Vol 9, No 4 (1917) The Nodal Cubic Abstract
R. Vythynathaswamy
Vol 25, No 3-4 (1961) The Non-Absolute Summability of Fourier Series by a Norlund Method Abstract
T. Pati
Vol 24, No 1-2 (1960) The Normalizer of a Sylow Representation of a Finite Group Abstract
Reinhold Baer
Vol 39, No 1-4 (1975) The Number of Bi-Unitary Divisors of an Integer-II Abstract
D. Suryanarayana, R. Sita Rama Chandra Rao
Vol 1 (1935) The Number of Particles in the Path of a Ray of Light Traversing the Earth's Atmosphere Abstract
C. P. S. Menon
Vol 4, No 6 (1912) The Oarlita-Sara-Sangraha of Mahaviracharya, with English Translation and Notes Abstract
Bahadur Rao
Vol 15 (1924) The Operator (x, L)n Abstract
C. Krishnamachari
Vol 10 (1946) The Ordinal Correspondence and Certain Classes of Multiplicative Functions of Two Arguments Abstract
C. S. Venkataraman
Vol 4, No 6 (1912) THE Orthopolar Theory Abstract
V. Ramaswami Aiyar
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