Vol 33, No 12 (1980)

Table of Contents

Vol 33, No 12 (1980)

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This Month

This Month
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: IX-XIII
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New Aspects of the Mode of Action and Therapeutic Uses of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents
N. K. Khanna, D. S. Rathore, N. S. Panchouli, O. P Mahatma
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 641-649
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Haematological and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Cirrhosis of Liver
O. P. Gupta, M. P. Mehrotra, N. L Patney, O. P. Bansal
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 651-660
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Intermitent Wolff - Parkinson - White Syndrome
N. Nanda Kumar, K. Raja Mohanan, V. C. Mathew Roy
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 661-667
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Co-Trifamole 'Supristol' (Nordmark-Werke)
N. D. W. Lionel
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 669-673
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Metronidazole in Hepatic Amoebiasis
Oswald D'sa, Vasco D'silva, S. K. Parashar
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 675-683
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The Role of Cystone in Urinary Tract Infection
R. R. Prasad
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 685-690
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Acupuncture in India
John G. David
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 691-701
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Special Feature

Drug Needs of one Billion Indians Problems & Opportunities
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 703-709
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Growing Role of Radioisotopes in Clinical Medicine
Eleanor Lawrence
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 711-715
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Book Review

An introduction to Cancer Medicine
L. J. De Souza
 Vol 33, No 12 (1980), Pagination: 716-718
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