Vol 10, No 4 (2018)

Table of Contents

Vol 10, No 4 (2018)


Application Development to Convert Heterogeneous Information Into PQDIF (Power Quality Data Interchange Format)
Claudiu Popirlan, Gabriel Stoian, Leonardo Geo Manescu, Denisa Rusinaru, Marian Ciontu, Gabriel Cosmin Buzatu, Miron Alba, Adrian Cojoaca
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 1-12
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 374  |  PDF Views: 155
Evolutionary Centrality and Maximal Cliques in Mobile Social Networks
Heba Elgazzar, Adel Elmaghraby
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 13-24
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 458  |  PDF Views: 147
Group Based Resource Management and Pricing Model in Cloud Computing
Shelia Rahman, Afroza Sultana, Afsana Islam, Md. Whaiduzzaman
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 25-38
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 366  |  PDF Views: 150
Search for Answers in Domain-Specific Supported by Intelligent Agents
Fernando Zacarias, Rosalba Cuapa, Guillermo De Ita, Miguel Bracamontes
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 39-47
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 334  |  PDF Views: 156
Epidemic Outbreak Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence
Nimai Chand Das Adhikari, Arpana Alka, Vamshi Kumar Kurva, S. Suhas, Hitesh Nayak, Rishav Kumar, Ashish Kumar Nayak, Sankalp Kumar Nayak, Vaisakh Shaj, Karthikeyan, Srikant Nayak
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 49-64
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 401  |  PDF Views: 190
Remote Control for Smart Classroom with Bluetooth Networks
Tony Tsang, Leung Ming Kit
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 65-78
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 323  |  PDF Views: 140
A Learning Analytics Approach for Student Performance Assessment
Mohamed H. Haggag, Mahmood Abdel Latif, Deena Mostafa Helal
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 79-94
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 338  |  PDF Views: 146
The Study of Purchase Intention for Men's Facial Care Products with K-Nearest Neighbour
Jui-Chan Huang, Pei-Yu Shao, Tzu-Jung Wu
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 95-104
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 312  |  PDF Views: 163
Jumping Risk in Taiwan and Taiex Option Return in Taiwan
Wen-I Hsiao, Jung-Fan Chen, Jui-Chan Huang, Tzu-Jung Wu
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 105-114
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 341  |  PDF Views: 146
Competitiveness of Japanese Service Industries in China
Liao Xiaoyilin
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 115-126
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 268  |  PDF Views: 135
Narrating The Innovation of Taiwan's Culture and Education Business in Entrepreneuring
Jui-ChanHuang, Jung Wu Tzu
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 127-133
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 292  |  PDF Views: 137
Analysis of Urban Tourism Competitiveness Based on Factor Analysis: A Case Study of Luoyang and Seven Cities Around
Enhou Zu
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 135-142
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 342  |  PDF Views: 140
The Japanese Transformer Industry a Case Study of Its Competitiveness
 Vol 10, No 4 (2018), Pagination: 143-153
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 311  |  PDF Views: 161