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The present study documents the wood-boring trace fossil Asthenopodichnium from the Palaeocene sediments of the Barmer Hill Formation (BHF) in the Barmer Basin, Western Rajasthan, India. The Asthenopodichnium trace fossils are loosely to tightly packed, pouch-like burrows or almond-shaped structures identified as Asthenopodichnium lignorum, whereas lozenge and J-shaped structures are designated as Asthenopodichnium lithuanicum. The A. lignorum trace markers are considered to be the feeding and dwelling burrows produced by wood-rotting fungi, whereas A. lithuanicum are interpreted as feeding and dwelling burrows produced by Mayfly nymphs and larvae. The sedimentological and palaeontological studies of trace fossil-bearing horizons of BHF suggest freshwater fluvial sedimentary environment with humid to sub-humid climate.


Asthenopodichnium, Freshwater Environment, Trace-Fossils, Wood-Rotting Fungi.
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